Terms and pricing


  • £300 per term (10 x dates) payable in advance to secure a place alongside a signed form to confirm acceptance of the terms.
  • note: Weekend Workout students are entitled to a nominal discount on any 1-1 lessons offered outside of the classes that support our aims. Please refer to the individual tutors for details.
  • Weekend Workout students may also qualify to join professional big band rehearsals with the DGK big band.
  • Costs above include supporting resources online.
  • click here for details of AM/PM blocks


  • Once your application has been approved, you will then be invited to complete and return a signed/dated form that confirms your interest in accepting the offer of a place and that you have read/understood the terms. You will also need to secure your place by transferring the course fee to our bank details via BACS transfer. This must be done before the start of term.
  • The term fees are non-refundable under any circumstance.
  • The exact amount of discount in regard to 1-1 lessons offered outside of the course dates is at the discretion of individual instrument teachers. The lessons may be online or offline by arrangement.
  •  You are expected to commit sufficient time to practising outside of the term dates. To that end, teachers will put a customised practise plan together for each student.
  • On each term date, you are expected to arrive at the venue an appropriate amount of time before the start. For instance, drummers will need to arrive in good time in order to set up and be ready to start on time.30 minutes before the start.
  • You are expected to bring your own instrument resources including music stands or otherwise.
  • Tablets/smart phones or equivalent devices whilst not essential may prove useful in class
  • Students will be responsible for the safety or otherwise of their own resources. Bandskool accepts no  responsibility for theft or damage to said resources.
  • Students will be culpable for damage to the venue or bandskool’s resources where there is sufficient evidence to prove culpability.
  • Respect and tolerance are expected in your conduct whilst with us: this is a learning environment in which an open mind is a requirement
  • Students of sufficient calibre may be invited to take part in professional big band rehearsals and concerts outside of the course requirements. More details to follow…