Hello – I am contacting you today to ask for your support in the running of our services in one or more of the following ways:
* Financial donations in order to develop a scholarship fund to benefit prospective students that may need assistance
* Product: either something that we can raffle at future open day promotions; or can be used to support our services.
* Live promotions: to act as an underwriter for selected future promotions
* Marketing/promotions: links to our website, our services, host our e-flyers and other marketing materials…
BANDSKOOL is a part of a larger business called KOLLECTIVITY (www.kollectivity.com) whose activities and business interests include web related services, publicity, online marketing, live events & promotions, PR and multimedia production.
I would be happy to discuss with you anytime regarding a mutually beneficial arrangement – whether by phone, Zoom or otherwise.
Please email at info@bandskool.com in the first instance if you are interested in having a chat about future prospects of working together.
In the meantime, thank you for giving this proposal your consideration.
Andrew Turnbull
Director of bandskool
The Downs – Altrincham – Greater Manchester – WA14 2QD